Salary Database
Salaries listed are base salary and are exclusive of longevity, stipends, and additional salary for temporary or additional duties.
Institution | Last Name | First Name | Job Title | Department | Salary |
FTE![]() |
Northeast State Comm College | Hess | Laura | Admin Asst - Evening Services | Multi-Campus Programs | $38,262 | 1 |
Northeast State Comm College | Perry | Cynthia | Instructional Assistant - Tlc | LAB AND COURSE STAFFING | $54,125 | 1 |
Pellissippi State Comm Coll | Brown | Carmen | Associate Professor 9 Month | English-Learning Support | $62,010 | 1 |
Pellissippi State Comm Coll | Seaman | Michael | Instructor 9 Month | Audio Production Technology | $56,080 | 1 |
Roane State Comm College | Nair | Jayme | Assistant Professor-English | English | $55,365 | 1 |
Roane State Comm College | Worley | Samantha | Success Coach - Orbc | Student Success Center | $49,490 | 1 |
Southwest TN Comm College | Deme | Ramata | Custodian | Custodial Services | $29,844 | 1 |
Southwest TN Comm College | Terry | Melissa | Systems Analyst 1 | Application Services | $68,352 | 1 |
TCAT Hartsville | Coons | Jason | Coordinator 4 Tcat-Hartsville | Financial Administration | $75,705 | 1 |
TCAT Knoxville | Price | Robert | Associate Instructor | Machine Tool Technology | $61,646 | 1 |
TCAT Morristown | Seal | Kender | Associate Inst. Welding Waitli | Welding Program | $55,691 | 1 |
TCAT Northwest | Heath | Amanda | Vp Student Affairs | Office of the President | $97,335 | 1 |
Tennessee Board of Regents | Wray | Tammy | Coordinator, Field (Sails) | SAILS | $63,142 | 1 |
Volunteer State Comm College | Hall | James | Assistant Professor 12 Month | Nursing | $82,228 | 1 |
Volunteer State Comm College | Spears | Danny | Maintenance Associate | Maintenance and Repair | $34,966 | 1 |
Walters State Comm College | Evans | Neal | Custodian | Custodial Serv Morristown Campus | $29,905 | 1 |
Cleveland State Comm College | King | Tana | Testing/Admin Spt Assistant | Counseling & Support Services | $33,419 | 1 |
Chattanooga State Comm College | Taj | Miranda | Associate Professor | Biology | $63,199 | 1 |
Chattanooga State Comm College | Knowles | Danielle | Librarian 3 | Library | $77,960 | 1 |
Columbia State Comm College | Holman | Darien | Coord Direct Loans Williamson | Financial Aid Office | $53,930 | 1 |
Dyersburg State Comm College | Hill | Joe | Custodian | Custodial Services | $7,779 | 1 |
Jackson State Comm College | Patton | Aaron | Dir. (Chief) Of Campus Police | Security Services | $71,664 | 1 |
Motlow State Comm College | Byrge | Matthew | English Faculty | English | $45,267 | 1 |
Nashville State Comm College | Donaldson | Robert | Associate Professor | Architect Civil and Construct Tech | $70,688 | 1 |
Northeast State Comm College | Heaton | Harley | Admin Asst - Hum & Bss | Division of Humanities | $37,087 | 1 |
Northeast State Comm College | Nephew | Amie | Instructional Designer | Multi-Campus Programs | $62,412 | 1 |
Pellissippi State Comm Coll | Crowe | Susan | Associate Professor 9 Month | Mathematics | $62,170 | 1 |
Pellissippi State Comm Coll | Tipton | Jessie | Instructor 9 Month | Video Production Technology | $57,200 | 1 |
Roane State Comm College | Kitts | Elizabeth | Assistant Professor-History | History | $56,656 | 1 |
Roane State Comm College | Lawson | Tamera | Success Coach - Scott/Campbell | Student Success Center | $57,745 | 1 |
Southwest TN Comm College | Norfleet | Alvin | Custodian | Custodial Services | $32,388 | 1 |
Southwest TN Comm College | Johnston | Matthew | Systems Analyst 1 | Application Services | $71,400 | 1 |
TCAT Hartsville | Hawkins | Macey | Dual Enrollment Coord. | Academic Support | $60,261 | 1 |
TCAT Knoxville | Rush | Travis | Associate Instructor | Pipefitting and Plumbing Technology | $61,800 | 1 |
TCAT Morristown | Eslinger | Brittany | Associate Inst. Welding Waitli | Welding Program | $60,841 | 1 |
TCAT Oneida | Boles | Nancy | Academic Support Associate 6 | Student Services | $49,158 | 1 |
Tennessee Board of Regents | Wilkins | Zandra | Coordinator, Field (Sails) | SAILS | $63,142 | 1 |
Volunteer State Comm College | Alspaugh | Richard | Assistant Professor 12 Month | EMT Paramedic | $88,551 | 1 |
Volunteer State Comm College | Lyles | Donald | Maintenance Associate | Maintenance and Repair | $34,966 | 1 |
Walters State Comm College | Barrow | Douglas | Custodian | Custodial Serv Morristown Campus | $29,905 | 1 |
Cleveland State Comm College | Gamble | Richard | Department Assistant | Business and Healthcare Admin | $34,541 | 1 |
Chattanooga State Comm College | Jarrett | Joseph | Associate Professor | English/Speech | $64,638 | 1 |
Chattanooga State Comm College | Fulgham | Carla | Librarian I | Library | $54,965 | 1 |
Columbia State Comm College | Trybalski | Robert | Coord Instr Tech Supp Svcs | Distance Learning | $75,140 | 1 |
Dyersburg State Comm College | Adair | Noah | Custodian | Custodial Services | $24,433 | 1 |
Jackson State Comm College | Shull | William | Director Advising | Advising | $71,801 | 1 |
Motlow State Comm College | Miller | Natalie | Enrollment & Admissions Counse | Student Recruiting | $45,320 | 1 |
Nashville State Comm College | Bunt | Leo | Associate Professor | Business | $71,751 | 1 |
Northeast State Comm College | Kerley | Sarah | Admin Coord - Elizabethton | Northeast State at Elizabethton | $50,891 | 1 |
Northeast State Comm College | Cole | Darrell | Instructor | Indus Tech Mechanical | $51,660 | 1 |