The TBR College System of Tennessee Data Dashboard provides interactive and visual information on various student data.
Community College - Data Dashboards

The data dashboards allow exploration of the community colleges within the TBR System by topic.
Enrollment by Student Types
Post-College Employment & Transfer Outcomes
Careers Start Here
Pathways to Transfer
TCAT - Data Dashboards

The data dashboards allow exploration of the Technical Colleges of Applied Technology within the TBR System by topic.
Student Success
Finance & HR Dashboards

Other data dashboards for exploration of finance and human resources trends at Community Colleges and Colleges of Applied Technology within the TBR System.
Outcomes-Based Funding Dashboards
Funding Formula Cumulative Percent Change
Funding Formula Data Metrics
Funding Formula Focus Populations Metrics
IPEDS Dashboards (New in April 2024)
Tennessee High School Pipeline Dashboards

These dashboards illustrate the path from high school to community colleges or TCATs and help colleges plan for incoming classes.
Community Colleges
The High School to College Pathway: Follow students' enrollment and success at community college by high school and K-12 district.
TN Public High School Pipeline
TBR Enrollment by High School – Filter by College
TBR Enrollment by High School – Filter by High School
TN Public School Enrollment by Grade & Cohort
Early Postsecondary Opportunities

These dashboards allow for exploration of early postsecondary opportunities including dual enrollment and dual credit.
EPSO Partnerships
Early Postsecondary Opportunities (EPSO) Data Dashboard
Dual Enrollment at Community Colleges
Dual Enrollment at Community Colleges
(New Data Dashboard in August 2024)
Dual Enrollment at TCATs
Dual Enrollment at TCATs
(New Data Dashboard in February 2024)
The data sources for the interactive data dashboards are the enrollment and report of graduate files submitted to TBR – College System of Tennessee by System institutions. For some metrics, data definitions diverge from state and federal guidelines. These figures may vary from information presented and used internally by TBR, individual System institutions, or external reporting agencies.
Enrollment data reflects all students enrolled at any time in the fall semester at the reporting institution.
Adult Learners are students aged 25 and older, in line with Tennessee's Funding Formula Definitions.
Awards consist of degrees and certificates eligible in the Funding Formula: Associate degrees, 1 to 2 Year Certificates, and Less Than 1-year Certificates. General education certificates are excluded from this metric. One to 2 Year Certificates require completion of 24 or more semester credit hours, and Less Than 1 Year Certificates require fewer than 24 semester credit hours.
Retention and graduation rates are based on an established cohort. The cohort includes degree-seeking students who enroll in college for the first time after graduating from high school in fall or in the prior summer and continued in the fall, attempting 12 credit hours at the fall census date. Census date occurs the 14th calendar day of the semester.
Dual Enrolled students are high school students enrolled in one or more college courses.
Full-time Equivalent (FTE) enrollments capture proportional course-taking activity of full-time and part-time students in the fall semester. FTE is calculated as total degree credits divided by 15.
Full-time students are those taking 12 or more semester credit hours. Part-time students are those taking fewer than 12 semester credit hours.
Graduation rates reflect the number of students in the cohort who earned a certificate or degree within 3 years of entering college.
Lottery Recipients are students receiving the Tennessee Lottery Scholarship. The Lottery Scholarship is funded by the TN Education Lottery Scholarship Program to provide financial support to Tennesseans attending eligible TN colleges.
Low Income Students are those receiving Pell Grant Awards. Pell Grants are provided to students with financial need following federal guidelines.
One-year Retention Rates reflect the number of students in the cohort who have returned the next fall or earned a certificate or degree any time during the first year of enrollment.
Other Students are students who were registered at a TBR institution during the preceding spring or summer term, transfer students, and transient students.
Race/ethnicity is self-reported and optional. Since fall 2010, students first choose ethnicity, Hispanic or Not Hispanic, then can select one or more of the following races: American Indian, Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, or White. To protect student privacy, students from these groups have been aggregated into 4 groups consisting of those who identified as Hispanic, Black or African American, White, and all other choices placed in Other Race.
College Data Profiles
The institution profiles provide institution-specific data on enrollment, awards, and student success.

System Viewbook
The viewbook introduces readers to our System's work with an emphasis on statewide initiatives, successes, Drive to 55 program results, and individual college accomplishments.

TN Education & Workforce Maps
The TN Education & Workforce Maps connect information about higher education and job projections across the state.

Economic Reach & Impact Report
The Center for Economic Research in Tennessee (CERT) completed the following study to better understand the economic and fiscal impacts the TBR institutions, its workers, students and graduates have on the State of Tennessee.

Oral History Project
The project is intended to be of value to Tennesseans interested in the history of their state and to researchers exploring the substantial achievements and policy developments of Tennessee’s public higher education system, including such landmark initiatives as performance-based funding and tuition-free community and technical college programs for new high school students and adults without degrees.
The history project will continually grow, with new recordings of current and future leaders and historical materials and information added over time.