Salary Database
Salaries listed are base salary and are exclusive of longevity, stipends, and additional salary for temporary or additional duties.
Institution | Last Name | First Name | Job Title | Department | Salary |
FTE![]() |
Chattanooga State Comm College | Aukerman | Curtis | Associate Professor | EMS Management | $88,410 | 1 |
Chattanooga State Comm College | Harrington | Deeann | Professor | Learning Support Reading/Writing | $69,585 | 1 |
Columbia State Comm College | Graham | Ricky | Development Officer | Development | $69,220 | 1 |
Dyersburg State Comm College | Pinner | Zachary | Ems Instructor | Emergency Medical Services | $50,674 | 1 |
Jackson State Comm College | Barcroft | Bethany | Head Coach | Softball | $43,991 | 1 |
Motlow State Comm College | Helton | Lara | Instructor | English | $47,690 | 1 |
Nashville State Comm College | Trieu | Autumn | Coordinator | Access Center | $56,716 | 1 |
Northeast State Comm College | Kinser | Kathleen | Assistant Professor | Ballad Health Nursing Initiative | $75,764 | 1 |
Northeast State Comm College | Baghetti | Amy | Librarian I | Library | $57,084 | 1 |
Pellissippi State Comm Coll | Szwarc | Deborah | Associate Professor 9 Month | Accounting | $70,880 | 1 |
Pellissippi State Comm Coll | Greene | Gregory | Maintenance Worker | Building Maintenance | $39,550 | 1 |
Roane State Comm College | Fields | Becky | Associate Professor - Nursing | Nursing | $83,778 | 1 |
Southwest TN Comm College | Teague | Brenda | Academic Advisor | Advising and Career Services | $45,936 | 1 |
Southwest TN Comm College | Soder | Linda | Director | Internal Audit | $80,004 | 1 |
TCAT Athens | Hatto | Susan | President | Office of the President | $136,865 | 1 |
TCAT Henry/Carroll | Forrest | Cheryl | Associate Instructor Cosmetolo | Cosmetology | $48,136 | 1 |
TCAT Knoxville | Bergquist | William | Instructor | Administrative Office Technology | $60,232 | 1 |
TCAT Morristown | Starnes | Frederick | Senior Instructor | Industrial Maintenance (IMG) | $73,338 | 1 |
TCAT Pulaski | Gilbert | Carrie | Academic Student Support 5 | Student Services | $45,629 | 1 |
Tennessee Board of Regents | Holmes | Jeffrey | Director Planning And Programm | Facilities and Capital Projects | $135,908 | 1 |
Volunteer State Comm College | Hill | Karen | Associate Professor 9/10 Month | Speech and Communication | $66,335 | 1 |
Volunteer State Comm College | Carter | Robert | Professor 9/10 Month | Biology | $90,817 | 1 |
Walters State Comm College | Long | Sean | Director | Senators Central | $61,101 | 1 |
Cleveland State Comm College | Williams | Ponzetta | Recruitment Coordinator | Recruiting | $46,420 | 1 |
Chattanooga State Comm College | Cousino | John | Associate Professor | Respiratory Care | $91,014 | 1 |
Chattanooga State Comm College | Palmer | Mark | Professor | General Engineering | $69,585 | 1 |
Columbia State Comm College | Rosson | Tammy | Development Officer | Development | $73,260 | 1 |
Dyersburg State Comm College | Lake | Cody | Ems Instructor | TBR EMS Blue Oval City | $65,019 | 1 |
Jackson State Comm College | Cates | Cameron | Head Coach | Basketball Men | $44,753 | 1 |
Motlow State Comm College | Hemmila | Linda | Instructor, Nursing | Nursing | $49,795 | 1 |
Nashville State Comm College | Stevenson | Karen | Coordinator | Dean Of Business Mgmt Hospitality | $120,443 | 1 |
Northeast State Comm College | Haga | David | Assistant Professor | Rem Develop Math | $76,337 | 1 |
Northeast State Comm College | Wyatt | Michelle | Librarian I | Library | $57,272 | 1 |
Pellissippi State Comm Coll | Harper | Marilyn | Associate Professor 9 Month | Foreign Language | $71,090 | 1 |
Pellissippi State Comm Coll | Shropshire | Ellis | Maintenance Worker | Building Maintenance | $39,550 | 1 |
Roane State Comm College | Hyun | Jin-Kee | Associate Professor - Physics | Physics | $71,932 | 1 |
Southwest TN Comm College | Clark | Jon | Academic Advisor | Advising and Career Services | $45,936 | 1 |
Southwest TN Comm College | Hughes-Anderson | Terika | Director | Workforce Admin | $81,300 | 1 |
TCAT Athens | Davis | Kimberly | Vice President | Financial Administration | $98,318 | 1 |
TCAT Henry/Carroll | Kirk | Jill | Director Practical Nursing | Practical Nursing (NoPreReq) | $76,908 | 1 |
TCAT Knoxville | Crum | Chad | Instructor | Collision Repair Technology | $62,458 | 1 |
TCAT Morristown | Parton | Mike | Senior Instructor | Automotive Technology | $76,197 | 1 |
TCAT Pulaski | Brown | Codie | Academic Support Associate | Student Services | $37,450 | 1 |
Tennessee Board of Regents | Scott | Joel | Director Web & Digital Media | VC External Affairs | $113,279 | 1 |
Volunteer State Comm College | Powell | Carolyn | Associate Professor 9/10 Month | Cookeville Center | $66,579 | 1 |
Volunteer State Comm College | Shinde | Girija | Professor 9/10 Month | Biology | $90,818 | 1 |
Walters State Comm College | Lee | Christopher | Director | Sevier County Campus | $62,987 | 1 |
Cleveland State Comm College | Smith | Sheila | Executive Secretary | Office of VP for Student Affairs | $46,521 | 1 |
Chattanooga State Comm College | Meyer | Gabriele | Associate Professor/Dept Head | Biology | $88,403 | 1 |
Chattanooga State Comm College | Fetters | Mary | Professor | English/Speech | $70,277 | 1 |