Salary Database
Salaries listed are base salary and are exclusive of longevity, stipends, and additional salary for temporary or additional duties.
Institution | Last Name | First Name | Job Title | Department | Salary | FTE |
Dyersburg State Comm College | Mcgavock | Virginia | Trio Programs Assistant | SSS STEM/Health Science 23-24 | $36,879 | 1 |
TCAT Oneida | Walker | Charles | Truck Driving Mccx | Power Line Construction and Maint | $53,560 | 1 |
TCAT Elizabethton | Pierce | Timothy | Ttc Associate Instructor | Pipefitting and Plumbing Technology | $70,863 | 1 |
TCAT Elizabethton | Riendeau | Roger | Ttc Instructor | Special Industry | $74,220 | 1 |
TCAT Upper Cumberland | Britt | Nicole | Ttc Temporary Instruction | Student Services | $46,440 | 1 |
Dyersburg State Comm College | Hollingsworth | Henri | Tutor Coordinator | Math Lab | $40,827 | 1 |
Dyersburg State Comm College | Pepple | Heather | Tutor Coordinator | Student Support Services 23-24 | $54,077 | 1 |
Volunteer State Comm College | Officer | Lisa | Uc Coord Of K-12 Partnerships | Dual Enrollment | $57,436 | 1 |
Volunteer State Comm College | Scantland | Billy | Uc Coord Student Recruitment | Student Recruitment | $50,914 | 1 |
Volunteer State Comm College | Richards | Lori | Upper Cumberland Director | Cookeville Center | $80,391 | 1 |
Volunteer State Comm College | Powell | Michael | Upper Cumberland Sr Director | Livingston Center | $101,195 | 1 |
Dyersburg State Comm College | Lewis | Ryan | Upward Bound Counselor | Upward Bound 2023-24 | $45,869 | 1 |
Columbia State Comm College | Sewell | Marion | Utility / Grounds Worker | Maintenance of Campus Grounds | $46,040 | 1 |
Dyersburg State Comm College | Henson | Peter | Utility Maintenance Worker | Maint and Repair | $35,123 | 1 |
Roane State Comm College | Mcdonald | Sean | Utility Worker | Roane County Grounds | $38,475 | 1 |
Columbia State Comm College | Ramsey | Jonathon | Utility Worker | Maintenance of Campus Grounds | $39,560 | 1 |
Roane State Comm College | Cofer | Joshua | Utility Worker - Roane | Roane County Grounds | $33,515 | 1 |
Roane State Comm College | Passmore | Stanford | Utility Worker - Roane | Roane County Grounds | $38,475 | 1 |
Dyersburg State Comm College | Lovell | Terry | Utility Worker Ii | Custodial Services | $31,718 | 1 |
Columbia State Comm College | Humphrey | James | Utility/ Grounds Worker | Maintenance of Campus Grounds | $48,450 | 1 |
Northeast State Comm College | Marshall | Susan | Vet & Mil Student Coordinator | Asst VP for Enrollment Services | $46,542 | 1 |
Volunteer State Comm College | Lee | Adam | Veterans Affairs Associate | Off Adult Learners and Veterans Aff | $34,183 | 1 |
Motlow State Comm College | Griffin | Clarice | Veterans Affairs Program Manag | Veterans Services | $50,831 | 1 |
Tennessee Board of Regents | Reed | Jothany | Vice Chancellor | Office of Vice Chancellor-Academics | $244,937 | 1 |
Tennessee Board of Regents | Leming | Heidi | Vice Chancellor | VC Student Success | $247,413 | 1 |
Tennessee Board of Regents | Fox | Alisha | Vice Chancellor Business Finan | Vice Chancellor Business and Fin | $252,000 | 1 |
Pellissippi State Comm Coll | Weaver | Patricia | Vice Pres ,External Affairs | Office of External Affairs | $145,090 | 1 |
TCAT Jackson | Hodgson | John | Vice President | Office of the President | $106,559 | 1 |
Nashville State Comm College | Williams | Johannah | Vice President | Vice President Academics | $148,584 | 1 |
Nashville State Comm College | Rector | Jennifer | Vice President | Vice President Of Finance And Admin | $151,001 | 1 |
Walters State Comm College | Pectol | James | Vice President | Communications and Marketing | $129,347 | 1 |
Walters State Comm College | Fisher | Brock | Vice President | Office of VP Academic Affairs | $136,977 | 1 |
Walters State Comm College | Smith | Angela | Vice President | Student Affairs | $141,400 | 1 |
Walters State Comm College | Hurst | Mark | Vice President | VP Business and Finance | $149,908 | 1 |
Southwest TN Comm College | Ash | Carol | Vice President | Academic Affairs | $168,936 | 1 |
Roane State Comm College | Brunner | Karen | Vice President | Instit Effectiveness | $126,039 | 1 |
Roane State Comm College | Duncan | Teresa | Vice President | VP of Workforce Dev & Student Affai | $138,635 | 1 |
Roane State Comm College | Ward | Diane | Vice President | VP Academic Services | $152,501 | 1 |
TCAT Oneida | West | Amy | Vice President | Student Services | $96,204 | 1 |
TCAT Athens | Davis | Kimberly | Vice President | Financial Administration | $98,318 | 1 |
TCAT Morristown | Campbell | Rebecca | Vice President | Financial Administration | $99,498 | 1 |
TCAT Hohenwald | Young | Randy | Vice President | Financial Administration | $102,909 | 1 |
Volunteer State Comm College | Mccalley | John | Vice President | Off VP Resrch, Assess, Spcl Initiat | $119,074 | 1 |
Volunteer State Comm College | Mitchell | Karen | Vice President | Office VP for Resource Development | $139,049 | 1 |
Volunteer State Comm College | Short | Emily | Vice President | Office of VP for Student Services | $152,356 | 1 |
Volunteer State Comm College | Day | Terri | Vice President | Office of VP for Academic Affairs | $157,590 | 1 |
Volunteer State Comm College | Stoller | Brett | Vice President | Office VP for Business and Finance | $175,809 | 1 |
TCAT Livingston | Slagle | Jeffrey | Vice President | Financial Administration | $97,335 | 1 |
TCAT McKenzie | Latimer | Jan | Vice President | Academic Support | $83,377 | 1 |
Chattanooga State Comm College | Williams | Traci | Vice President | Inst Effectiveness and Research | $129,780 | 1 |