Salary Database

Salaries listed are base salary and are exclusive of longevity, stipends, and additional salary for temporary or additional duties.

Institution Last Name First Name Job Title Department Salarysort ascending FTE
Roane State Comm College Kitts Michael Police Officer 1 - Campbell Campbell Police Department $47,648 1
Southwest TN Comm College Ford Emily Assistant Professor Languages and Literature $47,628 1
TCAT Knoxville Ranta Sandra Career Counselor-Adult Ed Gran Public Service $47,586 1
Southwest TN Comm College Hullender Arthur Assistant Professor Commun, Graphics and Fine Arts $47,580 1
Southwest TN Comm College Kallaher Debra Assistant Professor Social and Behavioral Sciences $47,580 1
Northeast State Comm College Collie Zachary Recruiter Admissions and Records $47,580 1
Southwest TN Comm College Kaplowitz Mark Assistant Professor Social and Behavioral Sciences $47,580 1
Southwest TN Comm College Huber Eric Assistant Professor Commun, Graphics and Fine Arts $47,580 1
Northeast State Comm College Pierce Ashley Recruiter/St Success Coach Kpt Admissions and Records $47,580 1
Southwest TN Comm College Babish Stephen Librarian 1 Library $47,556 1
Roane State Comm College Branson Laura Counselor Counseling $47,543 1
Volunteer State Comm College Parker Geoffrey It Technician CHEC IT Service Shared $47,532 1
Volunteer State Comm College Hanson Adia Exec Administrative Assistant Office of VP for Academic Affairs $47,532 1
Southwest TN Comm College Garner Kawanna Financial Aid Specialist Financial Aid $47,520 1
Southwest TN Comm College Parker Jeanette Financial Aid Specialist Financial Aid $47,520 1
TCAT Murfreesboro Patterson Christopher Admin Support Associate 6 Info Tech and Infrastructure Mgmt $47,517 1
Chattanooga State Comm College Mead Kristi Coordinator, Program Events Office of VP Econ and Comm Dev $47,512 1
Roane State Comm College Robinette Tammy Administrative Secretary Health Sciences Admin $47,511 1
Roane State Comm College Voiles Kathleen Administrative Secretary Math Science Admin $47,511 1
Roane State Comm College Cloyd B Administrative Secretary Humanities Admin $47,511 1
Columbia State Comm College Chally Mary Beth Administrative Secretary VP Williamson Campus and Ext Serv $47,500 1
Walters State Comm College Ratcliff Hayley Executive Aide Criminal Justice Degree Program $47,497 1
Walters State Comm College Ottinger Patricia Executive Aide IET $47,497 1
Dyersburg State Comm College Taylor Krista Recruiter Enrollment Services $47,483 1
Chattanooga State Comm College Ingram Brenda Inform Processing Specialist College Advancement & Public Relati $47,481 1
Southwest TN Comm College Rogers Christopher Instructor Technologies $47,472 1
Southwest TN Comm College Pellett Edward Instructor Technologies $47,472 1
TCAT Jackson Avent Tassica Associate Inst. Pat Care Dual Practical Nursing (NoPreReq) $47,470 1
Northeast State Comm College Mcmullen Emma Hr Talent & Devt Partner Human Resources and Organization Ef $47,456 1
Southwest TN Comm College Stewart Corey Coordinator Advising and Career Services $47,448 1
Northeast State Comm College Bragg Brandon Instructor Of Speech Speech Communication $47,448 1
Walters State Comm College Bowen Kelly Specialist College Advancement $47,440 1
Columbia State Comm College Johnson Jr Marvin Assistant Professor Computer Information Systems $47,420 1
Jackson State Comm College Fisher Audra Instructor Biology $47,418 1
Northeast State Comm College Joker Rhiannon Ccampis Coordinator Childcare Access Grant $47,413 1
Nashville State Comm College Welker Leah Assistant Professor Biology $47,400 1
TCAT Pulaski Locke David Facilities Support Associate Academic Support $47,400 1
Nashville State Comm College Soliman Marian Instructor Biology $47,395 1
TCAT Murfreesboro Burton Angela Bookstore Manager And Hr Assoc Other Instruction $47,380 1
Northeast State Comm College Bennett Sarah Wioa Data & Perf Specialist WIOA-Adult & Dislocated Worker CSer $47,380 1
Chattanooga State Comm College Ribaric Melanie Instructor Behavorial Sciences $47,380 1
Pellissippi State Comm Coll Davis-Bullis Sandra Specialist, Care And Advocacy Student Care and Advocacy $47,360 1
Chattanooga State Comm College Watkins Lauren Coordinator Financial Aid $47,352 1
Southwest TN Comm College Faught Laurie Instructor Emergency Medical Technology $47,352 1
Southwest TN Comm College Mixson Rachel Instructor Languages and Literature $47,352 1
Motlow State Comm College Bethea Laurel Learn Mgmt Systems Analyst Center for Infs Match $47,334 1
Walters State Comm College Burton Devan Assistant Professor English $47,333 1
Columbia State Comm College Fortel Emily Reading/Education Faculty - In Education $47,330 1
Southwest TN Comm College Boyland Tamera Coordinator Student Leadership and Engagement $47,316 1
Southwest TN Comm College Brittman Tabatha Social Services Coordinator Student Advocacy and Support $47,316 1

