Salary Database
Salaries listed are base salary and are exclusive of longevity, stipends, and additional salary for temporary or additional duties.
Institution | Last Name |
First Name![]() |
Job Title | Department | Salary | FTE |
Walters State Comm College | Swinson | Avery | Director Of Student Engagement | Enrollment Services | $85,482 | 1 |
Columbia State Comm College | Mann | Avery | Social Media & Special Events | Communications | $44,030 | 1 |
Jackson State Comm College | Gardner | Avery | Admission, Officer/Recruiter | Recruitment | $43,888 | 1 |
TCAT Memphis | Nunnally | Avionce | Associate Instructor-Aviation | Aviation Maintenance Technology | $71,585 | 1 |
Cleveland State Comm College | Mcwilliams | Ayana | Head Women'S Basketball Coach | Womens Basketball | $63,644 | 1 |
Motlow State Comm College | Hagos | Ayanaw | Assistant Professor | Mathematics | $50,075 | 1 |
Roane State Comm College | Cloyd | B | Administrative Secretary | Humanities Admin | $47,511 | 1 |
TCAT Memphis | Taylor | Babette | Financial Associate 3 | Financial Administration | $51,500 | 1 |
TCAT Chattanooga | O'Sullivan | Bailey | Associate Instructor (Ttc) | License Practical Nursing | $64,890 | 1 |
Northeast State Comm College | Allen | Ballard | Hvac Mechanic | Facilities Maintenance | $52,041 | 1 |
Cleveland State Comm College | Cannon | Bambi | Associate Professor | Computers and Information Systems | $63,756 | 1 |
Walters State Comm College | Pelham | Bambi | Instructor | Communications | $47,858 | 1 |
TCAT Athens | Brakebill | Barbara | Coordinator (Ttc) | Institution Shared - Expenses | $70,283 | 1 |
Walters State Comm College | Chandler | Barbara | Executive Aide | Health Related Careers Admin | $43,576 | 1 |
Chattanooga State Comm College | Robinson | Barbara | Specialist 2 | Customer Response Center | $31,652 | 1 |
Motlow State Comm College | Ligon | Barbara | Secretary 2 | EVP for Student Success | $31,440 | 1 |
Southwest TN Comm College | Lloyd | Barbara | Assistant Professor | Allied Health and Natural Sciences | $53,340 | 1 |
Motlow State Comm College | Desilets | Barbara | Admissions & Records Specialis | Student Admin and Records | $34,608 | 1 |
TCAT Jacksboro | Wallace | Barbara | Senior Instructor (Ttc-J) | Technology Foundations | $76,196 | 1 |
Jackson State Comm College | Bonds | Barbara | Account Clerk Ii | Business Services | $28,712 | 1 |
Columbia State Comm College | West | Barbara | Assistant Professor | Physics | $51,390 | 1 |
Dyersburg State Comm College | Moody | Barbara | Accounts Payable Specialist | Comptroller | $42,179 | 1 |
Pellissippi State Comm Coll | Veith | Barbara | Discipline Chair, Physical Sci | Physical Sciences | $60,340 | 1 |
Southwest TN Comm College | Helton | Barbara | Case Manager | Advising and Career Services | $49,800 | 1 |
Southwest TN Comm College | Roseborough | Barbara | Professor | Languages and Literature | $98,376 | 1 |
Jackson State Comm College | Stone | Barbara | Clerk, Academic Assistance | Academic Assistance | $40,127 | 1 |
Volunteer State Comm College | Holder | Barbara | It Technician | Information Technology | $55,040 | 1 |
Motlow State Comm College | Lowery | Barbara | Director, Mlt Ed | MLT | $61,800 | 1 |
Walters State Comm College | Richesin | Barbara | Custodian | Custodial Serv Morristown Campus | $30,128 | 1 |
Motlow State Comm College | Scales | Barbara | Exec Dir Of Organizational Cul | Compliance | $97,630 | 1 |
Pellissippi State Comm Coll | Pharr | Barbara | Associate Professor 9 Month | English | $63,820 | 1 |
TCAT Hartsville | Gregory | Barbara | Instructor Tcat-Hartsville | Health Science Education - DE Only | $56,774 | 1 |
Nashville State Comm College | Mullaney | Barbra | Assistant Professor | Math Southeast | $53,796 | 1 |
Columbia State Comm College | Gidcomb | Barry | Dean Humanities And Social Sci | Humanities Social Sciences Div Dean | $101,010 | 1 |
TCAT Shelbyville | Ledford | Barry | Assoc Instr-Heating Vent Air C | Heating Vent Air Cond and Refrig | $71,070 | 1 |
TCAT Murfreesboro | Owens | Barry | Student Services Coord. 3 | Student Services | $62,848 | 1 |
Roane State Comm College | Nyberg | Barry | Police Officer 1 - Morgan Co | ORBC Police Department | $51,206 | 1 |
Cleveland State Comm College | Pickell | Barsha | Associate Professor | History | $70,298 | 1 |
Nashville State Comm College | Rasheed | Bazyan | Security Guard | Safety And Security Legacy | $32,287 | 1 |
Chattanooga State Comm College | Delgado | Beatty | Custodian | Custodial Services | $29,821 | 1 |
Northeast State Comm College | Joyner | Beau | Police Officer 2 | Northeast State Police Department | $47,693 | 1 |
Roane State Comm College | Fields | Becky | Associate Professor - Nursing | Nursing | $83,778 | 1 |
Southwest TN Comm College | Anderson | Becky | Hr Benefits Specialist | Human Resources | $55,080 | 1 |
Motlow State Comm College | Johnson | Beili | Mathematics Instructor | Mathematics | $44,166 | 1 |
TCAT Hohenwald | Andrews | Belinda | Associate Instructor | Practical Nursing (PreReq) | $58,710 | 1 |
Jackson State Comm College | Higgins | Belinda | Associate Prof, Nursing | Nursing | $73,091 | 1 |
Motlow State Comm College | Champion | Belinda | Director | Disability Services | $76,014 | 1 |
Roane State Comm College | Raines | Belita | Professor | AD Reading and English | $77,202 | 1 |
Nashville State Comm College | Barrios | Belkis | Instructor | Foreign Languages | $46,447 | 1 |
TCAT Henry/Carroll | Bomar | Ben | Assoc Instructor Tcat Paris | Welding Program | $64,419 | 1 |