Jackson State Community College's new agreement with UofM Lambuth creates opportunities for students

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Jackson State Community College
JSCC President Allana Hamilton and UofM Provost Karen Weddle-West sign MOU

Jackson State Community College and the University of Memphis Lambuth signed a memorandum of understanding on March 3 that makes it easier for students to transfer between the two public institutions.

Aiming to build on the relationship between both schools, the new agreement reinforces the Tennessee Transfer Pathway initiative -- including the "reverse transfer" option -- to increase educational opportunities for students in all traditional transfer programs, as well as transferability from degree programs not historically considered transfer programs in order to better meet workforce needs of West Tennessee. Reverse transfer allows community college students who transfer to a four-year university before earning an associate's degree to be awarded the two-year degree, from the community college,after completing the requirements for it at the university. 

“This is a great day for us because the University of Memphis is one of the top five schools our students transfer to,” said JSCC President Dr. Allana Hamilton. “So we wanted to make sure schools we enter into agreements like this with are ones that will benefit our students.”

This is the third agreement like this JSCC has entered into this school year, after announcing MOUs with the University of Tennessee at Martin and Middle Tennessee State University in the fall of 2017.

The agreement will allow students to transfer to UofM's main campus in Memphis as well as the Lambuth campus in Jackson.

Memphis-Lambuth Vice Provost Dr. Niles Reddick said being able to help make the process simpler for students helps both schools.

“We want to do our part to make sure Jackson State graduates are able to come to our campus or the one in Memphis and continue their education and make that as easy as possible, and it makes sense to do that,” Reddick said.

Reddick also said that administrators are working to adjust the housing and meal plan system to accommodate JSCC students. This would enable out-of-town students to live and eat on campus just like Memphis-Lambuth students.

JSCC students will be allowed to participate in academically sponsored activities and events at the UofM Lambuth such as University-sponsored art shows, River City Writers Series and UofM Lambuth music entertainment concerts.

“We are always looking for ways to enhance our institution and the partnership between the University of Memphis Lambuth and Jackson State Community College is a wonderful opportunity for both,” said UofM Provost Karen Weddle-West. “Not only will students be confident in transferring to the UofM Lambuth, but they also will have the ability to participate in student activities as well as live in campus housing.”

The Tennessee Transfer Pathway is fully available online at www.tntransferpathway.org.