- High School GPA Pilot: In March 2020, TBR approved a pilot effort to allow the addition of high school GPA as an assessment method for placement, alongside other measures included in TBR’s learning support policy. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, placement testing was limited in 2020, and some students were unable to take or retake tests that traditionally determined placement. Additionally, the use of multiple measures for placement, including high school GPA, is recognized nationally as a best practice. In March 2021, this pilot was extended through the 2021-2022 academic year.
- EdReady Pilot: In October 2022, TBR invited colleges to participate in an optional extension of the Corequisite Placement Pilot. During the 2022-2023 academic year, TBR will coordinate a pilot study of the use of EdReady for learning support placement. EdReady is a math and English readiness tool that can be used for learning support or as an alternate method for course placement. Participation in the pilot use of EdReady is voluntary for each community college.
Resources about the Corequisite Placement Pilot
- Summary of the Pilot use of High School GPA
- Guidelines for the EdReady Placement Pilot (New in October 2022)
Research on the Tennessee Corequisite Placement Pilot
Tennessee Corequisite Placement Pilot: Adding High School GPA for Learning Support Placement (April 2021 Working Paper; Updated July 2021)
Presentation on the Tennessee Corequisite Placement Pilot: Early Results (October 2021)
Tennessee Corequisite Placement Pilot: Data Toolkit (January 2022)
Research on Multiple Measures for Placement
Multiple Measures Interactive Toolkit
User-friendly resource from Research for Action that details types of multiple measure policies, current state policy landscapes, and evidence of impact on student outcomes.
Modernizing College Course Placement by Using Multiple Measures
The Center for the Analysis of Postsecondary Readiness provides a summary of the need for and benefits of a multiple measures approach with evidence from community college systems across the country.
Expanding Access to College-Level Courses: Early Findings from an Experimental Study of Multiple Measures Assessment and Placement
Results from a random assignment study show that students who were bumped up to a college-level course as a result of multiple measures placement were more likely to complete gatekeeper math and English courses by the end of their first semester.