Welcome to the Academic Advising Reference Guide
All our work is done through the lense of our Advising Mission Statement. We define academic advising as a proactive partnership between the student and the advisor. Our goal is to assist every student to identify and cultivate their strengths while recognizing and addressing barriers to student success. Our engagement is student-centered with an intentional focus on building positive rapport and a relationship of trust with all students. Through informed decision making, we guide students through their curricular pathways toward the successful completion of their academic and career goals.
Key Theories
Academic Advising at TBR Institutions
Programs and Policies
One of the highest priorities for colleges and universities in the Tennessee Board of Regents System (TBR) is to assure the seamless transfer of courses among institutions. An effective transfer process is essential for TBR institutions, especially to accommodate the movement of students from the thirteen two-year institutions to the six universities. Numerous avenues of transfer are available to students attending TBR institutions, including the Tennessee Transfer Pathways; block transfer of general education courses completed in particular subject areas, for example, completion of eight semester hours of approved courses in natural science; course equivalency agreements for the transfer of specific courses; and articulation agreements for the transfer of programs.
List of Courses with Common Rubrics and Numbers Found at All TBR Institutions
List of Courses Approved for General Education at TBR Community Colleges

A student who completes all the courses listed on a particular Transfer Pathway will earn an A.A. or A.S. degree at the community college. When the student transfers to a Tennessee public or private college/university the transcript will certify that the pathway has been followed. The student is guaranteed that all the community college courses taken will be accepted at the college/university and the courses will count toward completion of the particular major. If a community college student transfers to another Tennessee community college, he or she is guaranteed that all courses transfer.
Policy IV.B:5- Credit based on Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) at another TBR institution will be accepted in transfer and applied toward the student's degree comparable to other types of transfer credit. (See Exhibit 1: Recommended Standards in Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) Policy and Practice for Tennessee Public Colleges and Universities - August 7, 2012). Acceptance of course work in at the discretion of the institution.
The goal of the PAA Endorsement program is to establish partnerships between colleges and Third-Party Servicers (TPS) to work collaboratively to strengthen the postsecondary advising experience for students attending TBR community and technical colleges. The PAA Endorsement will communicate with stakeholders and students that the TPS is properly trained and in alignment with the partnering TBR institutions.

Family Educations Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
TBR Policy | US Dept. of Education
Professional Development

Peer Mentoring
Minimum Definition of Practice
A mutually beneficial relationship between a specified student group (i.e. mentee) and a more experienced student (i.e. mentor) who engages with the mentee in a structured helping capacity to cultivate strong relationships and provide peer-to-peer support. In many cases, the peer influence is stronger than that of the expert. (e.g. student services practitioner/faculty member) (Trip, 2000). Through role modeling and sharing authentic stories of success and failure, the mentee gains the skills and support needed to navigate the college campus. In addition, through systematic training, the mentor gains transferable leadership skills and meaningful professional experiences that can be used to complement and positively affect the retention, academic success and educational experience of the mentee. (Newton& Ender 2010; Terrion, & Leonard 2007).

Tennessee Academic Advising Network (TAAN)
The Tennessee Academic Advising Network was created as a professional forum for faculty and professional advising staff at Community Colleges and Applied Technical Colleges peering Tennessee to discuss research-based practices and exchange innovative ideas related to academic advising.
TAAN will promote and enhance the academic advising profession in Tennessee by:
- Encouraging the professional development of academic advisors;
- Moving beyond a transactional model for advising, through professional development, to an interactive advising model that promotes the establishment of genuine interpersonal student-advisor
- relationships;
- Providing networking opportunities for academic advisors;
- Recognizing faculty and professional staff for their excellence in the field of academic advising;
- Supporting the goals and core values of NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising.
Visit the TAAN webpage to learn more and apply for membership!

First Scholar's Network
The Tennessee Board of Regents System was accepted into the First Scholar's Network in the spring of 2023, on behalf of NASPA - Student Affairs in Higher Education and the Center for First-Generation Student Success. The First Scholar’s Network is a national model for advancing first-generation student success by transforming the student experience to embrace inclusivity. TBR institutions will join nearly 350 institutions across the country, devoted to dismantling systematic barriers limiting student success through shared practice, professional development, and innovation. The network comes together to share evidence-based practices and resources, address challenges, generate knowledge, and continue to advance the success of first-generation students across the country.