Motivational Course Redesign Workshop

Workshop Details

Location: Chattanooga State Community College, Health Science Center, Room 2047

4501 Amnicola Highway, Chattanooga, TN 37406

When: Friday, June 28, 2019, 10:00 - 3:00 pm EST

Registration Deadline: Monday, June 17

Hotel and Travel Reimbursments: Mileage will be reimbursed for 1 vehicle per campus. We encourage you to carpool and use your institution's state vehicle if possible. TBR will reimburse participants for overnight stay who are traveling over 120 miles for up to the state rate of $129 + tax for Hamilton County. Your business office should submit ONE travel reimbursement invoice to for all individuals who attend. If staying overnight, meals provided at the workshop must be subtracted from per diem claimed. Invoices must be submitted to TBR within 30 days of travel. 

Suggested Hotels: The Chattanoogan Hotel and The Westin

Questions: If you have any questions regarding the workshop, please contact Dr. Sean Chism, Director of Advising and First Year Initatives, or 615-366-2209

UVA Motivate Lab Workshop and Dr. Kenn Barron:

Dr. Kenn Barron is a Professor of Psychology at James Madison University (JMU) and Coordinator of JMU’s Motivation Research Institute. He also is a Visiting Professor and member of Motivate Lab at the University of Virginia. His research focuses on motivation and the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL), and has appeared in the Journal of Educational Psychology, Contemporary Educational PsychologyEducational and Psychological Measurement, Educational Psychologist, the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Teaching of Psychology, and New Directions for Teaching and Learning.  Kenn also routinely puts his knowledge of motivation and SoTL into practice teaching coursework in research methods, statistics, and psychology, and leading campus initiatives like JMU's Psychology Learning Community (PLC). The PLC is designed for first year students who have an interest in pursuing a major in Psychology and a future research career in a Psychology-related field. Members live together in the same residence hall while completing a series of curricular and co-curricular experiences designed specifically for them. Throughout his career, he has received numerous teaching, research, service, and advising awards. For example in 2012, he was named both a fellow of the American Psychological Association and one of Princeton Review’s Top 300 professors in America.


In this workshop with Dr. Barron, participants will learn how to utilize their syllabi to not only send motivation-supportive messages, but to plan how to support students’ motivation across the entire semester by creating an instructor’s version of the syllabus with intentional motivational planning.

As a result of participating in the motivation planning workshop, First Year Experience faculty will be trained on how to revise their syllabi and courses according to fundamental principles of student motivation.

Motivate Lab will provide a 1 day workshop that will involve:

  • Training faculty on key motivational planning principles;
  • Learning about national and statewide trends and best practices in First Year Seminar development;
  • Having hands-on experience starting to revise syllabi as well as an example lecture/unit of their course;
  • Receiving initial feedback on ideas. 

What you should bring to the workshops:

  • Bring a paper copy of your First Year Seminar syllabus.
  • Bring a laptop computer or tablet to have electronic access to other key files for your class (such as lectures/PowerPoints, assignments, exams/tests, etc.)

Workshop Agenda:

*Coffee will be availabe at the start of the day

10:00 -10:30: Kick off the day with Dr. Sean Chism sharing national and statewide trends and best practices in teaching First Year Seminar

10:30-11:30: Redesigning Our Courses and Syllabi with Motivational Planning in Mind (using a See one, Try one, Share one approach)

11:30-12:30: See One

12:30-1:00: Lunch Break

1:00-2:00: Try One

2:00-3:00: Share One

3:00-3:30: Closing Comments and Reflection on the Day


