Student Disciplinary Policy Revision Submission

Revision Process

  1. Institutions will submit proposed revisions to the TBR Office of Student Success by a set deadline. It is expected that each institution will have previously reviewed its proposed revisions with Counsel.
  2. The Office of Student Success will review the proposed revisions and consult the institution and the Office of General Counsel should there be any questions or concerns.
  3. The revised Student Disciplinary Policy will be approved or sent back to campus for further revision by Office of Student Success.

IMPORTANT:  Institutional student disciplinary policies have to be consistent with TBR Systemwide Student Rule 0240-02-03. The review in the central office will include that determination.  An institution may correct typographical errors or make grammatical edits to its policy without submitting the policy to the Office of Student Success for approval. However, if correction of an error results in a substantive change in the meaning of the passage in question, such a change would need to be approved by the Office of Student Success and General Counsel.


Revisions to Sections 1. Institution Policy Statement, 2. Disciplinary Offenses, 3. Academic and Classroom Misconduct, 4. Disciplinary Sanctions and/or 6. Disciplinary Procedures will be presented to the Office of Student Success by February 1 of each year. Under special circumstances, revisions to these sections may be considered by the Office of Student Success at other times during the year.

Proposed revisions to a Student Disciplinary Policy must be submitted to the Office of Student Success in electronic format following the instructions below.

*Please note that revisions to Section 5. Traffic and Parking (including any changes to traffic and parking fines or fees) are to be approved by the Board and are not part of this annual review process.


When submitting proposed revisions of the Student Disciplinary policy to the Office of Student Success, three documents are needed as follows:

1. Mark-up File: The first document required is the institution’s complete Student Disciplinary Policy with the mark-up of changes. Show the policy as written with the original text crossed through in red font followed by the new wording that replaces it also in red font. Policy language that is completely new text should be written in red font. No underlining or italicizing of text is required or allowed. All changes requested in all sections can and should be made on this one document.

2. New Policy File: The second document required is the complete Student Disciplinary Policy with the new wording all in black font. This will be the institution’s new Student Disciplinary Policy as revised once it is approved by the Board. That is, it is a “clean” copy of the Student Disciplinary Policy that includes all of the changes that you are requesting be made. It is the final document that will go into effect upon approval by the Office of Student Success.

3. Rationale File: The third document required is the brief rationale for revising the policy. Present your reasons for making each change. Be sure to identify the location of each revision in your rationale by section and number.

Send this mark-up file as a Word Document with filename as follows: [Institution’s abbreviation] Student Disciplinary Policy with mark-up [date of Board meeting] EXAMPLE: ETSU Student Disciplinary Policy with mark-up 3-28-14
Files must be less than 100 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf doc docx.
Submit this as a Word document with filename as follows: [Institution’s abbreviation] Student Disciplinary Policy revised [date of Board meeting] EXAMPLE: ETSU Student Disciplinary Policy revised 3-28-14
Files must be less than 100 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf doc docx.
Send the rationale in a separate Word document with filename as follows: [Institution’s abbreviation] Student Disciplinary Policy rationale [date of Board meeting]. EXAMPLE: ETSU Student Disciplinary Policy rationale 3-28-14
Files must be less than 100 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf doc docx.